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How To Improve SEO with Website Visual Assets?

  • July 29, 2024
  • 7 minutes

People can process and remember visual information faster and easier than textual data. Moreover, information identified visually has clarified ideas 90% more than texts. 

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the technique to boost a website’s search engine rankings, discoverability, and user experience.

Google is the most-used search engine platform with an average of 3.5 billion regular user queries. Most importantly, Google added more than 200 algorithms to rank a website. 

It is not a secret to marketers that visual marketing serves a greater purpose than simply creating visually appealing images and tweets.

Studies highlight that social media video marketing has 180 times more engagement as compared to text posts. 

Also, blogs that contain images engage the audience 300 times more than blogs that follow plain text formats. 

Furthermore, videos ensure 53 times better Google rankings compared to normal web content. 

The benefits of SEO are manifold. Good SEO rankings help a website get more organic traffic, improve page loading speed, enhance user experience, and accelerate sales (lead conversions). 

Visual optimization is a part of content marketing strategy to add value to users’ lives.

What are Website Visual Assets? 

Visual assets are digital elements that enhance the experience of users for a particular website. It helps to create a unique user journey, making it easier for the audience to relate to and comprehend information. Moreover, it is a proven technique to improve website traffic and outreach. 

Types of Online Visual Assets 

The most common types of visual assets for websites include – 

  • Videos – Long or short-format videos such as animations, live sessions, reels, or motion graphics. 
  • Infographics – A short and informative directory on a specific topic, brand, service, or product highlighted in a one-page format containing images and texts equally. 
  • Screenshots – The application of screenshots has significantly increased as they are used to explain processes within blogs or highlight important statistics. 
  • Charts and Graphs – Unlike mathematics and accounts, flowcharts and graphs are highly useful for showcasing data and insights in a presentation format. Moreover, charts can be included on any web page or within blogs for better readability and understanding. 
  • Memes and GIFs – Purely designed for entertainment purposes, memes are funny visuals that may or may not contain text. GIFs are short 1-5-second videos that express emotions or feelings. 
  • Blog Feature Images – Feature images for blogs that replicate the idea demonstrated within a blog. 
  • Interactive Elements – Games, quizzes, calculators, and maps are some interactive components that can be integrated into a website. 

Importance of Visual Assets for SEO 

Visual assets for website SEO improve brand identity, create authority, enhance user engagement, protect against piracy, and generate a higher number of paid leads. The best SEO services company employs pivotal visual elements to improve your brand reputation through websites and social media platforms.  

Increases Average User Time on Website 

Visuals such as images, memes, and videos are easier to comprehend compared to texts. When visitors stay on a website for a longer time and make more than one click, the website bounce rate is automatically reduced. The website bounce rate is considerably reduced. Correspondingly, a reduction in bounce rates highlights the improvement in search engine rankings. So, integrating high-quality visuals into your website, landing page, or blogs can improve your overall SEO as well. 

Generates Relevant Backlinks 

Backlinks enable users to move from one website to another with a click. Furthermore, backlinks are an indication that visitors will find relatable content on the other web pages as well. Moreover, it helps to validate and strengthen your website’s content which directly contributes to improved search engine rankings and page results. 

Visual assets help to generate relevant backlinks that highlight fun facts, trending topics, or top news. 

Improved User Engagement and Experience (UX) 

Clear images, unique videos, funny memes, or informative infographics are beneficial assets to enhance user engagement and experience. 

Since images are easy to understand, users can engage better with the brand through commenting, reacting, or 1-to-1 chatting. 

Moreover, simple and descriptive images elevate the navigational journey of the user throughout the website. User engagement and experience are interlinked. A good experience reflects higher engagement while a bad experience shows reduced engagement. 

Decreases Website Bounce Rate 

Website bounce rate indicates the percentage of users who did not click on any button of the website and left as soon as they landed on the URL. An increase in user engagement is inversely proportional to website bounce rate. Users will make more than one click during their website visit to explore the different pages or content. This ensures a reduction in the website bounce rate. 

Utilize Infographics 

Infographics are invaluable pieces of content that are highlighted in a visual format. Digital marketers understand the importance of infographics laid out through a website. They are unparalleled assets to represent a blog, video, news, or statistics in an image format. Infographics strengthen content marketing strategies. Easy access to information and easy understandability make infographics an amazing visual tool to improve SEO. 

Image Search Optimization Enhances Discoverability 

Visual elements improve the content marketing strategies for websites and enhance the search discoverability results. When users can discover your website better, providing them with unique and engaging content is a bonus to establish customer relationships based on mutual trust. 

7 Best Visual SEO Strategies to Improve SERP Rankings

Visual SEO strategies are an integral part of UI UX design services to fetch more leads and improve rankings. 

  • Optimize Alt Tags for Images – Alt text is a powerful feature to describe an online image and optimize the visual for relevant search queries. 

Moreover, this feature is highly beneficial for blind people as they are used by screen readers to read the description aloud. 

Additionally, during the web page loading phase, the alt text comes up on the screen before the full image is loaded to display. 

Alt texts are essential to help Google crawl the image, learn the purpose of the image, and rank it on SERP accordingly. 

For example, most content management systems provide default alt texts that are highlighted with numbers. If the content marketer does not customize the alt text, Google will not be able to relate the search results for specific user queries.

All website builders such as HubSpot and WordPress offer this feature. 

  • Add Texts to Infographics – Add a caption and title to all online infographics regardless of whether they are published on landing pages or within blogs. 

A separate title and caption for the infographic other than the in-content texts play a pivotal role in promoting the discoverability of the image. 

Google will fail to crawl and read an infographic even with its alt text if there are no accompanying captions. 

Adding SEO keywords within the infographic caption will make it easier for Google to identify the infographic’s purpose. 

  • Check the File Sizes and Modify File Names –  Modify the names of the image or video files instead of the default names. A default image file name can look like “IMG1.jpeg”. Customizing image file names adds a purpose and makes it easier for Google to crawl for matching search results. For example, a personalized image file name will look like “SEO_Stratgies.jpg”. 

Furthermore, add tags and captions to each image or video to help Google identify the search intent. Improve the image ranking and get relevant search query results with this optimization technique. 

  • Resize and Compress Visual Files – Remember to integrate high-resolution images that promote the website, its products, or services. 

However, the strategy does not end here. Marketers need to compress the image files to reduce the loading speed of the page. 

Compressing image sizes is important to reduce the file size, improve page load speed, and not tamper with the quality of the image. 

Image dimensions significantly impact the SEO performance of the website or web page. Cropping and resizing images are easy techniques to improve the page loading speed and highlight a high-quality image at the same time.

  • Submit Site Maps for Videos and Images – Websites that heavily rely on images and videos need to submit the visuals to Google sitemaps through the Search Console tool. 

It helps to generate useful metadata for the images or videos and enables Google to crawl these data for appropriate search ranking.

  • Utilize Schema Markup – Schema markup is the search engine code to confirm the type of visual or written content. 

Apply this feature to customize and highlight the content type of the images or videos. Consequently, it improves the Google search results.

  • Optimize Images with Mobile Responsive Design – Optimize images and videos with the mobile responsive design. Fit the screen size of any device and improve the search results on any search engine. 

The images and videos get adaptive features to automatically adjust file sizes and dimensions for different phone screens.

Optimizing website visuals for mobile devices ensures excellent user experience. Additionally, mobile responsive images and videos are essential to provide a seamless user interface for easy and viewable navigation. 


The best digital marketing company ensures to follow the best practices for integrating visuals. It improves SERP results. 

Webgen Technologies USA is one of the leading service providers for customized digital marketing practices. 

Optimize your website, visuals, and content organically to improve online rankings and establish a trust factor for your audiences. 

Clear out user queries with informative and engaging visuals that compel the audience to take steadfast actions and relate to your brand. 



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